Knative Serving installation files

File name Description Dependencies
serving-core.yaml Knative Serving core components. serving-crds.yaml
serving-crds.yaml Knative Serving core CRDs. none
serving-default-domain.yaml Configures Knative Serving to use as the default DNS suffix. serving-core.yaml
serving-domainmapping-crds.yaml CRDs required by the Domain Mapping feature. none
serving-domainmapping.yaml Componnents required by the Domain Mapping feature. serving-domainmapping-crds.yaml
serving-hpa.yaml Components to autoscale Knative revisions through the Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. serving-core.yaml
serving-nscert.yaml Components to provision TLS wildcard certificates. serving-core.yaml
serving-post-install-jobs.yaml Optional jobs after installing serving-core.yaml. Currently it is the same as serving-storage-version-migration.yaml. serving-core.yaml
serving-storage-version-migration.yaml Migrates the storage version of Knative resources, including Service, Route, Revision, and Configuration, from v1alpha1 and v1beta1 to v1. Required by upgrade from version 0.18 to 0.19. serving-core.yaml