Title for your page

This guide shows you how to do something very cool. Make sure to include a value proposition for the user: for example, this guide shows you how to do X, which is useful for doing Y and Z. Make sure you answer the questions “what does this guide show you how to do?” and “why would someone want to do this?”.

Before you begin

You need:

Break steps into logical sections

Avoid nesting headings directly on top of each other with no text inbetween.

  1. Use ordered lists for steps.

  2. Step number two.

  3. Step number three.

Avoid nesting headings directly on top of each other with no text inbetween.

Put code into a code block.

  1. Here’s a code snippet:

    kubectl apply --filename test.yaml
  2. Another code snippet:

    kubectl apply --filename test2.yaml

Always explain code snippets thoroughly so that how they work or what they do is clear.

Cleaning up

If your guide installs a sample application, show the user how to delete it.

What’s next

Provide links to other relevant topics, if applicable. Once someone has completed these steps, what might they want to do next?