Ville Aikas Candidate Profile

Company Affiliation:


Contributions to Knative (list):

  1. First non-founder to work on the k8s before it was k8s
  2. Sig-service catalog
  3. Helm
  4. Open Service Broker API

Why You’re Running for SC (max 300 words)

I have spent most of my career trying to build tools that make folks’ lives easier, faster, stronger and better. Knative was one attempt at that, there have been others. I have a strong desire to make Knative be a healthy, fun and thriving community, where we can have fun, grow together and learn from each other.

In addition to having a healthy, vibrant community, I want to make the project be successful by solving real world computing needs. We’re very early in the journey, I care very deeply about this project and I would love to be able to continue contributing to shaping the vision, as well as keep on chopping water and carrying wood on the technical side.